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发布时间:2008-10-23 07:26 作者:互联网 来源:钢铁智库
《六西格玛之路》(The Six Sigma Way)《六西格玛之路》(The Six Sigma Way) 《六西格玛之路》基本信息 作  者:彼得·潘蒂(Peter S. Pande et al), 罗伯特·纽曼Robert P. Neuman, 罗兰·卡法那夫(Roland R. Cavana
《六西格玛之路》(The Six Sigma Way) 放大《六西格玛之路》(The Six Sigma Way)

《六西格玛之路》(The Six Sigma Way)


作  者:彼得·潘蒂(Peter S. Pande et al), 罗伯特·纽曼Robert P. Neuman, 罗兰·卡法那夫(Roland R. Cavanagh)出 版 社:麦格劳·希尔公司(McGraw-Hill) 出版时间:2000


  The Six Sigma Way reveals how GE, Motorola, and numerous other companies are successfully using Six Sigma to fine-tune products and processes, improve performance, and increase pROFits. Now you can read the roadmap for implementing Six Sigma in your manufacturing or service organization.

  《六西格玛之路》用指导真实世界的方法解开了6σ管理法之谜。对于任何想实施6σ管理法的公司来说,买一本《6σ管理法:追求卓越的阶梯》绝对划算。《六西格玛之路》介绍了公司 6σ管理法的实施、领导、培训过程中将遇到的各种难题以及对策。它关注的焦点是6σ管理体系的重要步骤和质量改进活动。无论你是6σ管理法的门外汉,还是以对其有深刻认识的行家,本书都使你获益匪浅。6σ管理法将帮助你把公司推向巅峰。


PrefaceA Guide to the Six Sigma WayAcknowledgmentsPART 1An ExECUtive Overview of Six SigmaChapter 1:A Powerful Strategy for Sustaied SuccessChapter 2:Key Concepts of the Six Sigma SytemChapter 3:Why Is Six Sigma SuccEDIng WhreTotal Quality " FAIled"Chapter 4:Applying Six Sigma to Service and ManuactuingChapter 5:The Six Sigma RoadmapPART IIGearing up and Adating Six Sigma to Your OrganizationChapter 6:Is Six Sigma Right for Us Now?Chapter 7: How and Where Shoule We Start Our Efforts?Chapter 8:The Politics of Six Sigma:Preparing LEAdrs to Launch and Gu9de the EffortChapter 9:Prepating Black Belts and Other Key RolesChapter 10:Training the Organization For Six SigmaChapter 11:The Key to Successful ImprovementSelcting the Right Six Sigma ProjectsPART IIIImplenenting Six Sigma:The Roadmap and ToolsChapter 12:Identifying Core Processes and Key CustomersChapter 13:Defining Customer RequirementsChapter 14:Measuting Current PrquirmanceChapter 15:Six Sigma Profess ImprovementChapter 16: Six Sigma Process Design/RedesignChapter 17: Expanding IntEGRating the Six SigmaChapter 18: Advanced Six Sigma Tooks:An OverviewConclusion:Twelve Kdys to SuccessAppendixGlossaryReferencesEndnotesIndex


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